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This Good Riddance Smudge Kit comes with a bundle of white ceremonial sage, a large raw shungite crystal, a raw selenite wand, 3 palo santo sticks, and 2 Black Healing Candles. Rid yourself of negative energy and vibes with our Good Riddance Smudge Kit.These Black Healing Candles measure approximately 4 inches in length. There’s power in colors. Burn the healing candle which color represents your healing needs. Black Healing Candle: regeneration, riddance, transition.Palo Santo Benefits:Spiritual purifying and energy cleansing. Inspiring creativity and bringing love and good fortune. Bringing a deeper connection to the divine source. Energetic protection and the removal of negativity.White Ceremonial Sage Bundle. White ceremonial sage has been used for centuries by Native Americans for its natural healing properties. The art of ‘saging’ has been passed from the Native Americans to others around the world to purify the home and rid the air of negative energies. Throughout history people have used white sage to purify a home after an illness has passed through. If you put a few white sage leaves in a bowl and light the ends of the leaves, a fragrant white smoke will fill the air with its aromatherapeutic values. The fragrance alone is known to calm the senses, relieve stress and depression and help reduce fever and nausea. The Many Ways You Can Use White Ceremonial Sage:Saging – This is the most popular way to use white sage. Either put a few leaves in a heat-proof bowl and light the tips of the leaves, or tie a bundle of leaves together with twine and create a ‘wand’ out of the sage. Pass through your house spreading the white smoke into every corner, clearing the air of impurities and filling your home with the fragrant smell. Keep your windows open! Your house will get very smoky. You can also ‘sage’ a person by tracing their outline with the smoke of the sage. This is a very common practice among Native American health practitioners.Selenite Wand Healing Properties: A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one's guides, guardians, Christ Consciousness and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection. Selenite calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Use Selenite in a grid around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe and peaceful space. Meditating with Selenite aids in access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem. Selenite is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory. Physically, Selenite removes energy blockages from physical and Etheric bodies. It can reverse the effects of “free radicals” to heal and repair on the cellular level. Selenite is associated with the spine and the skeletal system.  This stone does not have to be cleaned or recharged in the rain or under the moonlight. It charges all crystals and helps heal all the chakras.Shungite Healing Properties:Shungite is a powerful purification stone. It enters into a process with the user, removing impurities on every level of being, which eventually clear through the feet into the Earth. Physically, it removes toxins from the body and supports the immune and lymphatic systems, but it also clears and reinvigorates each chakra, extending through the energy body, from the Root Chakra upwards.Shungite improves mental clarity, and also purifies our emotions and intentions. Working deeply, it shines a light on the more unpleasant aspects of personality, so we shed what isn’t needed, and are more aware of the aspects we need to embrace.Shungite is capable of clearing the energy of an entire room, and sculptures, such as pyramids, are popular for this purpose. At the same time, it offers a level of protection against outside forces, such as EMF, and many wear shungite jewellery or keep it near the computer. Shungite means business, so can sometimes be uncomfortable to work with, and oddly can sometimes be ungrounding.

Good Riddance Smudge Kit

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